Business Ethics

TEKKON Group has earned a reputation of excellence, efficiency and high ethical standards with its supportive corporate culture and its highly motivated team. This reputation has given TEKKON Group a great advantage in the inudstries it operates in. TEKKON Group highly values its employees integrity and ethical standards, especially in an environment where business-to-business confidence is gradually fading.

The success and future of TEKKON Group is directly related to its reputation as an organization which prioritises business ethics. In addition to customer loyalty, this priority is also providing it with an internal culture of trust and comfort and maximizes its efficiency as a group.  Our respect to each other and to all of our suppliers and contractors will ensure our continued success in the future.

TEKKON Group makes the following commitments to reach highest ethical standards:

  • Communicating and explaining in full “ TEKKON Group Code of Business Conduct and Ethics” to all employees. Clearly stating company regulations and expectations regarding numerous issues such as “Handling of Company Assets and Confidential Information” and“ Stakeholder Relationship Management”.
  • Creating an environment of integrity, transparency and trust within the organization and with all third party customers, contractors and suppliers.
  • Communicating and enforcing local laws, rules and regulations.
  • Organizing semi-annual “ Anti-Bribery & Corruption” Training sessions and assuring full attendance. Providing “ Anti-Bribery & Corruption “ Training for all new employees.
  • Taking strict disciplinary action in case the “TEKKON Group Code of Business Conduct and Ethics” is violated by any employee within the organization.